Wednesday 30 April 2014


The person making Wudhu is referred to as Mutawad-dhi.
1. The Mutawad-dhi should try to face the Qiblah while making Wudhu.
2. When making Wudhu Niyyat (intention) of Wudhu, recite:
3. First of all, wash both hands as far as the wrists thrice beginning with the right hand.

4. Thereafter rinse the mouth thrice and use a Miswaaq. In the absence of a Miswaaq use a coarse cloth to clean the teeth.
5. If one is not fasting, then gargle as well. Thereafter put water thrice into the nostrils with the right hand and clean the nose with the little finger of the left hand. If the Mutawad-dhi is fasting, water should not be dawn higher than the soft or fleshy part of the nostrils.
6. Then wash the entire face thrice. The limits of the face for Wudhu purpose is from the limits of the hair at the forehead until below the chin and from ear to ear. Water must reach below the eyebrows as well.
7. This is followed by making Khilaal* of the beard.
8. The right hand, including the arm and the elbow should then be washed thrice. Then wash the left hand in exactly the same manner.
9. This is followed by making Masah** of the whole head, masah of the ears and masah of the nape (i.e. back of the neck) and khilaal of the fingers of both the hands.
10. Thereafter wash the right foot thrice, including the ankles and then the left foot in exactly the same way. Make khilaal of the toes.
*Khilaal: Interlacing of the fingers or to use the fingers to clean or passing fingers into the beard.
**Masah: Passing over with moist hands.

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