Tuesday 10 December 2013

Two Acts to Become A Saint

If a person treading the path of tasawwuf does only two acts, namely, safeguarding
the gaze and protecting the heart, he will become a saint if Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'la
wills. The remaining papers are easy. It is easy to leave all other sins. Two acts are
very important. One is the protection of the border, the other the protection of the
The enemy comes from two paths, either he will come from the border or he
will attack the capital directly with an aircraft. When you have protected the borders
of your eyes according to the command of Rasûlullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and you protect the capital of your heart, then the road has been levelled for you to
become a saint and friend of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'la. The one who abstains from
sin, evil gazes, and also protects his heart, will he speak lies? The one who has
solved the difficult paper can very easily solve the simple paper. Is it difficult for the
one who has endured a fever of one hundred degrees (Fahrenheit) to endure fifty
degrees? When the kings used to announce anything, the camel drivers would beat
the camels with a stick. The sound of this drum would travel for a distance of two
miles. Moulana Rûmi (Rahimahullah) states that when a camel, which was laden with
these drums, went past a village, the children clapped their hands and interfered
with it. Moulana Rûmi (Rahimahullah) states that the camel said,

"O children, what effect will your tiny hands have by making such a minor sound.
The drum, which is sounded on my back, has a sound that travels for two miles.
When my ears can endure this din, then the sound of your clapping hands is not
even equivalent to a mosquito for me.

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